Best wellbeing innovation

Calderdale MBC

Wellbeing is more than just fruit on the table

Calderdale is incredibly proud of what it has achieved in this area to date, creating a working environment where colleagues truly believe their health and wellbeing is valued, and where individuals can seek help and support from a variety of sources where required. Calderdale acknowledges that employees are our most valuable asset, hence why significant resource has been allocated to this work in recent years”. Our staff survey results confirmed this. The one significant wellbeing initiative that we know sets Calderdale Council aside from others is our work around Drug and Alcohol support for our staff. A number of local and regional Councils have contacted us with a view to introducing a similar initiative, but to date we are the only one that do this in the Yorkshire and Humber region.

Cambridgeshire CC

Wellbeing and support for all

Cambridgeshire County Council is a great place to work, where colleagues’ achievements are celebrated through initiatives like the Spotlight Awards and the #WeAreCambs campaign. It prioritises employee wellbeing, offering resources like an Employee Assistance Programme and mental health support. Regular Cambridgeshire Conversations and Friday Focus updates keep colleagues informed and engaged. The council invests in learning opportunities, including eLearning, coaching, and apprenticeships, and new colleagues are welcomed and supported to develop and grow.The council actively promotes EDI through awareness sessions, blogs, and engagement with the Staff EDI Network (IDEAL). 

South Cambridgeshire DC

Four-Day Week trial

In 2023 South Cambridgeshire District Council became the first local authority in the country to trial a four-day week. This was in response to concerns about the health and wellbeing of our colleagues, alongside acute recruitment and retention challenges. After a yearlong trial, we saw a dramatic improvement across the board in our health and wellbeing data, signifying happier, healthier colleagues who feel more supported by, and committed to, the organisation. We also saw marked improvements in our recruitment and retention figures, and have been able to maintain our overall performance, demonstrating the trial’s overall success.

Stockport MBC

Wellbeing Champions

Stockport Council’s Wellbeing Champions initiative, introduced in response to a 2022 All Colleague survey, has significantly improved employee wellbeing. The Champions act as ambassadors, sharing information on wellbeing events and resources, and creating new opportunities for wellbeing in their work areas. They have introduced many initiatives, such as a workplace choir, wellbeing walks and even pet therapy! The initiative has led to increased awareness of wellbeing support among employees, reduced staff turnover by 5%, and decreased average sickness absence by 1.19 days. The Champions’ efforts have been recognized in a recent audit and a 2023 LGA Corporate Peer Challenge report.

Waltham Forest LBC

Waltham Forest Council, with a workforce of 4000, prioritises a supportive workplace where wellbeing is integral. Despite limited budgets, we provide support across four pillars, psychological, physical, financial, and social wellbeing. Initiatives include an Employee Assistance Program, free counselling sessions, discounted gym memberships, and financial webinars. Socially, we promote inclusivity through staff networks and Menopause Cafes. Our approach, started with employee feedback and partnerships, drives community and engagement. By measuring impact through surveys, we demonstrate how strategic wellbeing initiatives can thrive even with resource constraints, offering a blueprint for other organisations seeking to enhance employee wellbeing effectively and affordably.

West Northamptonshire Council

Virtual Walking Challenge - River Nene: Source to Sea!

West Northamptonshire Council's workplace wellbeing scheme aimed to increase the physical activity of colleagues across the Council. With over 3,000 colleagues there is a diverse mix of worker types. The challenge aimed to engage primarily targeting sedentary workers but was open and inclusive to everyone. The challenge hoped to encourage workers to increase their daily physical activity and form new habits, while also increasing social interaction between colleagues and teams with the competitive element creating a buzz around the office.The challenge first launched in 2023 and saw 267 people sign up with 151 finishing the 85.31 mile course. Covering a total of 30750 miles. As a result of this fantastic hard work by colleagues West Northamptonshire Council was able to support 724 trees in being planted and 180 meals being donated.