Equality, diversity and inclusion champion

Rubie Charalmabous

Brent LBC

Senior Economic Growth Manager's Role in Promoting Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion• Oversees Mayor's Creative Enterprise Zone (CEZ) project to empower marginalized communities.• Collaborates with community leaders and organizations to build trust and develop culturally sensitive outreach methods.• Provides business support, education, job opportunities, and affordable workspace • Partnerships with local businesses and educational institutions offer entrepreneurship courses, job training programs, and low-cost co-working spaces.• Achieved significant results, including a 40% increase in community participation in local governance, 30% improvement in access to social services, and establishment of new small businesses.• Recognized as a best practice by other communities facing similar challenges.

Nicky Everett

Calderdale MBC

Nicky is a driven and experienced equalities champion. She has a quiet passion and is a true ally. She uses strategic programmes and her voice to amplify lived experience voices, using data and education to drive forward change. She shares her own and her family’s experiences and establishes deep trust with individuals and groups. Nicky’s style and values should be celebrated and seen. She doesn’t rock the boat. She rows it instead - manning the oars alongside volunteers equalities champions, managers and colleagues - charting a course for a fairer and more inclusive future.

Michelle Bramble

Kent CC

This submission seeks to draw attention to the incredible contribution of Michelle Bramble as a champion of EDI. Our submission sets out just some of the ways (we would love to tell you more) in which Michelle has influenced, changed and improved Kent County Council. What is truly impressive is that this is all done in addition to her day job. Her commitment and brilliance in this space are all on top of the role that she is employed to do. She is incredibly humble but we feel that her contribution should be known and celebrated across the sector.

Ray Channer

Stockport MBC

Ray is a transformative EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) champion who has revolutionized our workplace. Through fostering a culture of respect and inclusion, Ray has garnered widespread support and ensured lasting change. Ray’s relentless dedication to EDI has left an indelible mark on our council, setting a new standard for excellence. Ray has advocated for underrepresented groups, and inspired others to join the cause. Their tireless efforts have not only improved our workplace but also created a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. Ray’s impact is both profound and enduring, making a significant difference in our council.

Faaria Ahmad

Tower Hamlets LBC

Faaria Ahmad is the Head of Global Learning London (GLL) which is a traded service within Tower Hamlets Council. Under her leadership, the GLL team and Faaria have deepened their knowledge and understanding of addressing inequalities with focus on what it means to be anti-racist and anti-oppressive and this is brought into every aspect of her work and engagements. She supports equalities initiatives that work with staff from across the Council –she is an executive member of the Race Equality Network, the Anti-Racist Allyship project, the Children’s Directorate Equalities Group and member of the council wide Cohesion Steering Group.

Anna Finch-Smith

Tower Hamlets LBC

Anna is the Senior Practitioner EDI and has been working in this EDI focused role for around 2 years. Anna started some EDI activities in a previous HR role and then made the transition to a focused EDI role when it was recognised this was needed within the organisation. She has made a big impact in a short time.She is passionate about EDI and making a real difference for marginalised people. She identifies as a gay woman with a disability, and so has lived experience that she draws upon as part of her work and openly shares her story.

Shantelle Ross

Walsall MBC

The groundbreaking Equality Champion training has provided a strong EDI foundation within the council, with over 70 volunteers across the organisation trained to the same high standard. The 6 sessions covering critical EDI topics, have equipped participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively champion equality within their respective roles and service areas. Importantly the Champions also have a vital role to play in the other key EDI initiatives that have taken place. Equality Champions are chairs/vice chairs of corporate staff equality networks and play an important and supportive role in the new 'EDI concerns' process.

Safia Khokhar

Westminster City Council

Safia Khokhar, Head of Culture and Development for Public Health in Westminster City Council, has made equality, diversity, inclusion, and racial justice a top priority over the past two years. She has driven innovative initiatives and systematic changes to foster an inclusive, diverse, and equitable environment. Safia's leadership extends beyond her team, as she advocates for diverse representation and inclusive practices as a Trustee and School Governor. She has fostered open dialogues, implemented positive changes based on team feedback, and developed resources to destigmatise discussions on sensitive topics. Safia's exceptional leadership, commitment, and impact make her a strong candidate for the EDI Champion award.

Jo Marsden

Westmorland and Furness Council

Jo Marsden, nominated for the EDI Champion award, has made a profound impact at Westmorland and Furness Council. Key achievements include leading the SHINE network, enhancing inclusive recruitment policies, mentoring colleagues, and supporting the creation of new staff networks. She has built strong alliances with stakeholders, contributed to policy reviews, and facilitated new starter inductions. Jo's dedication has significantly improved workplace culture and staff experiences, setting a high standard for EDI within the council and the broader community.